10 Books to Read ASAP

31 01 2008

There are far too many books to be read – important books, not fluffy time-fillers. Therefore, this is not by any means a list of the most important or pressing literary works. This is a list of books that you should reado right away. Hurry to your local USED bookstore and pick up the following:

1. Notes from Underground – Fyodor Dostoevsky

2. We the Living – Ayn Rand

3. Zen and the Art of Monorcycle Maintenance – Robert M. Pirsig

4. Nine Stories – J.D. Salinger

5. Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg – Joseph Chilton Pierce

6.  The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath

7. Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell

8. The Divine Comedy – Dante

9. Still Life with Woodpecker – Tom Robbins

10. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury

This is not listed in order of importance – or any order at all. And you will not know why you need to read each one until you have. Now, go book shopping.

5 Things To Do With Plastic Bags

30 01 2008

Yes, we all have some hanging around. And yes, we all wish we didn’t. Whether we shop with reusable totes or recycle, for some reason or another we end up with these in our house.             The majority of us feel bad throwing them away (landfills suck!), and if you’re like me you have a gigantic Rubbermaid container overflowing with them in your attic or closet.              Well, my friends, here is a short list of things we can start using those bags for. Some people are even able to make businesses out of repurposing these plastic bags. The plastic bag yarn is old news at this point – we all know the joys of making a bag out of bags. But here are some new ideas you may not have seen before. Enjoy! 

1. Make a Rug. This site has a tutorial as well as photos to guide you to happy rug-making.



 2. Carry Your Cash. These are great as gifts, or to sell.



 3. Give Someone Flowers. Why give flowers that will fade and die? These have the potential to live forever!www.instructables.com/id/flowers-made-from-plastic-bags/ 


  4. Go Fly A Kite. This one is great for us outdoorsy types, and for kids.



 5. Coast.This goes back to yarn made of plastic bags, but coasters are always neat – and again, great gifts!www.myrecycledbags.com/2007/03/24/crocheted-plastic-bag-coasters/ 


 This is just a short list of some possibilities. Take the inspiration and run with it!   

Weekly Featured Etsy Item

23 10 2007

Here is our weekly featured Etsy Item –

Hat and Gloves Set – Dusty Rose and Chocolate


Check It Out!

Hello world!

18 10 2007

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